What is BitUPay

About BitUPay

BitUPay handles blockchain payments from wallet to checkout
Accept Bitcoin payments, securely store and spend anywhere you want.

BitUPay help you in many ways

Accept bitcoin payment for your business

Use BitUPay's retail, ecommerce, billing, and donation tools to accept payments from customers and business clients around the world.

Get a wallet and start using Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash

Manage your blockchain finances in one app with the secure, open source wallet by BitPay.

Turn Bitcoin into dollars and spend anywhere

The BitPay Card lets you load dollars anywhere using your Bitcoin wallet.

What is Crypto?
How it works

Problems & Solutions

More than $40 million in assets were placed under restraint pending forfeiture, and more than 30
Liberty Reserve exchanger domain names were seized.


Different pieces of the new Internet are born as building blocks, but there’s no way for them to work together.

Even interoperating new technologies with old centralised resources can prove useful in making the paradigm shift from Web 2 to Web 3 happen. Now we own our data, we can prove that we own what we have and have created it on different platforms, but how do we put it together into a whole new cohesive framework.



Decentralized cryptocurrency is produced by the entire cryptocurrency system collectively, at a rate which is defined when the system is created and which is publicly known.

In centralized banking and economic systems such as the Federal Reserve System, corporate boards or governments control the supply of currency by printing units of fiat money or demanding additions to digital banking ledgers.


Implementation Time line

This are so many crucial steps in developing a product.
Here is the timeline of BitUPay completation.

August 2018
Platform idea
September 2018
Technical & strategy
March 2019
Beta Version
July 2019
Software development kit
for integrations
August 2019
Mobile apps for
iOS & Android
September 2019

Contact BitUPay

Have questions? We’re happy to help.

Contact us with any questions regarding BitUPay.